Discover the best performing laser for definitive hair removal!
Fast treatment with long-term results 3D technology: the most effective laser waves in one applicator.
Effective for all skin types.
Painless procedure thanks to the efficient cooling system 100% safe with SHR technology For Titanium, removing unwanted hair is an art form.
Soprano Titanium combines the three most effective laser wavelengths (ALEX 755nm, SPEED 810nm, YAG 1064nm) in a single applicator, simultaneously targeting different tissue depths and anatomical structures in the hair follicle.
This allows different levels of the skin to be treated simultaneously, resulting in a much more effective long-term treatment.
Soprano Titanium ensures a superior experience and much faster and lasting results.

How the treatment is carried out?
The laser works by the hair shaft absorbing the light from the laser, which is converted into heat.
The heat is conducted through the hair and down into the hair follicle, where this will be permanently destroyed and reduce hair growth.
The day before your treatment, shave the area to be treated.
Do not pluck, wax or bleach the hair for 4 weeks before a laser treatment, as this will impair the effect of the treatment. In the periods between treatments, only scrapers may also be used.
It is crucial that you have not been exposed to the sun or solarium for the last 2 weeks before the treatment, as it increases the risk of side effects such as combustion. For the same reason, do not use self-tanner for 2 weeks before permanent hair removal.
Hair goes through 3 different phases: the growth phase, the resting phase and the rejection phase. The laser will have an effect on the hair that is in the growth phase, which is why you should expect to have between 8-10 treatments with 6-8 weeks in between.
With permanent hair removal, you will never be able to expect to be 100% hair free, but the vast majority experience a sharp reduction in hair of around 70-90%.
Consultation before your treatment
Before your first treatment, it is a requirement that you have a free consultation with our nurse.
Here you will receive a preliminary examination, as well as be informed and guided further about the treatment and about any side effects.
After the consultation, you may be treated the same day.
After the treatment
After the treatment, the skin may be red and the hair follicles may be swollen.
This will usually subside within a few hours and it is certainly not dangerous but just the body’s natural way of reacting to the heat and treatment.
The affected hair follicles will slowly repel the hair shaft within 10-14 days, just as some of them will spontaneously fall off within a few days and you will start to see the result.
Questions & Answers
You will be pleased to learn that this form of permanent hair removal is not only painless, it is the safest option currently available on today’s market.
Using the most up-to-date technology, this method proves timely and efficient when carried out by a trained professional.
In essence, SHR treatment is designed to cause long-lasting damage to target hair follicles. This in turn prevents the re-growth of the hair.
By gently heating over the required area, the applicator used varies in temperature to ensure maximum effect.
Released are short and gentle energy pulses that directly target the hair follicle whilst dissuading return.
Lucky for customers, they can pop across on a dinner hour.
The treatment itself can take as little as five minutes!
If the area is relatively small and this will be reflected in the allocated time.
A facial treatment will take on average fifteen minutes with both legs eating into just 30 minutes of your lunch break – ideal!
For permanent hair removal to be successful you will need around 8 sessions.
This will be discussed with you upon initial enquiry as we like to ensure our clients are fully informed of all aspects when it comes to the treatments we offer.
During a session the energy is actually applied over a large area. It is not specific to the home of the hair follicle.
This works towards improving not only treatment times but results as well.
SHR is one of the only treatments available offering suitability for all skin types.
Remember, this method involves heating and cooling as opposed to follicle exposure via high intensity pulses.
This option works extremely well for fair-haired people whilst posing no issues at all during the summer months when tans have developed.
The procedure is suitable all-year round.
From the clinical studies undertaken, SHR has been proven to be the safest method of light based hair reduction for all skin types.
Melanin found within darker skin is known to be much more sensitive to the heat when used in light based treatments.
There are no such issues presented with this option.
Price List
- Face WomenDkk 350
- Face + Neck WomenDkk 450
- Face MenDkk 500
- Face + Neck menDkk 650
- ForearmDkk 300
- Upper armDkk 300
- ArmpitDkk 300
- Whole armDkk 500
- ShinDkk 400
- ThighDkk 700
- Whole legDkk 900
- Bikini lineDkk 250
- BrazilianDkk 450
- Belly womenDkk 300
- Belly menDkk 500
- BackDkk 700
- BreastDkk 500
Package prices
- Women - Package 1
Armpits + Brazilian
Dkk 650 - Women - Package 2
Armpits + Brazilian + Full Leg
Dkk 1200 - Men - Package Price
Back + Shoulders + Chest
Dkk 900 - Full BodyDkk 1600
Before & After

Jeg var meget skeptisk til at starte med da Timea’s priser er så meget lavere end alle andre og jeg synes det så lidt underligt ud. Men jeg tænkte jeg blev nødt til at prøve og jeg kan kun sige 10/10 anbefaling herfra 😍🙏🏻 jeg har anbefalet flere at booke! Jeg har haft 2 sessioner indtil videre og kan allerede se en forskel. Det er smertefrit og super behageligt at være i rum med Timea ❤️
Louise Dalgaard PedersenJeg gik hos hende end til nu 3 gang. På 3 gang er næsten 70% af håret forsvundet. Og prisen hos hende så billigt hvis du kigger på andre steder.
Malih MoradianJeg var nervøs i starten, det virkede for godt til at være sandt. Men det virker! Allerede efter første behandling kunne man se kæmpe forskel. Jeg føler mig altid velkommen! Og det er decideret smertefrit! Det er virkelig et godt sted 😍
Nadia MaverickSuper dygtig og så skønt et væsent hun er! er overrasket og lykkelig over det helt igennem flotte arbejde på kort tid endda. Så god! Kommer klart tilbage 🙂
Geneva Bailey
Klinik LaBeauty
Certified to carry out cosmetic treatments, and registered with the Agency for Patient Safety.

Det er en effektiv behandling og jeg kunne intet mærke, men allerede efter 2 behandling betydelig mindre hår ❤️
Therese Nielsen Borg